At Active Gym we reward children who shine with a Star Of The Week award
We believe that children who are making an extra effort should be rewarded. At the end of our sessions, each coach chooses a gymnast who they believe has been excelling to be their ‘star of the week’.
Star of the weeks are not rewarded just for gymnastics ability. Your child may earn a star of the week certificate for any of the following:
Hard work
Exceptional attendance
Star of the week is an added bonus and is designed to be an extra incentive for gymnasts to work towards which helps us promote the values of the club. We also try to take ‘fairness’ into account, and don’t intentionally award the same gymnast with the award two weeks in a row, and try to make sure that everyone in the group receives it each term. Your child’s coach keeps a list of their gymnasts in the order they have won star of the week to help ensure this. In short, please don’t be concerned if your child hasn’t won star of the week yet, they will win it eventually if they try their best!
For the meantime, we have made the decision at the club to pause our Star of the Week programme in our Mini Gym sessions. We’ve reached this decision as not getting awarded with Star of the Week was upsetting many of our younger gymnasts. We’ll be using our special gymnastics stickers instead to motivate the children!
Not everyone can win every week, so we always award our gymnasts each week with one of our special gymnastics stickers. Be sure to ask a coach for an Active Gym sticker chart to keep these safe!